Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Cut Backs Continoue

New Chacellor Nancy Zimphers has taken an interesting approach in her attempt to try and trim the administration across the State University of New York.  The Chancellor has made the decision that some of the colleges will share Presidents. So rather than Canton and Postdam each having their own President, one president will be in charge of both of the Universities.  She has also made  the same decision at two other institutions in the state of new your. With her proposal taking affect, three presidents and 3 administrative staff will be left with out jobs.  Needless to say there has been quite an uproar with the new decision and people have a right to be concerned.

The new system hopes to save 25-30 million dollars annually not just by eliminating the salaries of the three presidents and their executive staffs but through collaborating various ways at campuses across the system, including the purchases of supplies collectively, combining information technology or library services and possibly sharing athletics facilities and staff.

One could argue that the Chancellors new plan, while may save money has some ethical problems with it. How can a person after only a couple years as Chancellor cut hundreds of jobs in order to make money, Why not start with a pay decrease rather than immediately going for the throat of the people who have been most loyal to the institution.  People like Chancellor is Zimphers is whats wrong with education today. Its all about the money!!! When will it ever end??


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