Thursday, October 20, 2011

USC Seeks 6 Billion Dollars

 In an article written by Josh Keller on " The Chronicle of Higher Education", USC is the beginning stages of trying to raise a record setting 6 billion dollars over the next 7 years. The figure itself is the largest campaign ever in higher education. According to the University President " A large endowment will help the university attract "rainmaker" faculty who brings in grants, attract top graduate students, and improve undergraduate instruction..."  No matter how hard I try I cant stop thinking about the figure "6 Billion" dollars. Such a figure makes me pose just a few questions. Does it really take a school to raise 6 billion dollars to attract top tier faculty? Outside of attracting top tier faculty, building some new buildings for departments and upgrading older buildings, what else is this money going to go toward.? How much of the 6 billion will be set away for other types of aid and scholarships for needy students?

It USC is successful in raising 6 billion dollars, I would like to see how much money is left over once they have upgraded there institution.  My guess is that there will be a few pay raises handed out m and well as obscene amounts of money offered to lure top tier faculty away from other schools.  As a student myself, it would be nice to see some money set aside for those students who other wise wound not be able to attend a school like USC even though they are more than qualified to attend. I am all for Institutions making the necessary upgrades to stay competitive in  higher education, but I believe is straddling the line of greed in their effort to stay competitive.

Chris McMillian

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