According to an article written by Goldie Blumenstyk in 2009 junior colleges were the hardest hit by the rescission in 2009. Now with out knowing the exact numbers of how many college students are attending junior colleges vs the amount of students that attend 4 year universities its safe to say that the amount attending junior colleges far exceeds those attending 4 ear institutions. Students attend junior college for several different reasons such as using junior college to boost their gpa, or maybe they just didn't have the grades coming out of high school and they need 2 years of junior college to be admitted in to a university, but in my opinion the main reason is usually money. It cost thousands of dollars less each semester to attend junior college versus attending a university your first 2 years. School admission fees have gotten gotten to the point where young people who are thinking about attending college are often times hesitant because of the price. Instead they chose to try and work for a couple years and "save money" for school. We all know that more times than not once a person goes into the work field with out going to school it is very hard to go back.
In my opinion a Bachelors Degree doesn't hold the same value that in did 20 years ago, its to the point now that most people have or are working toward their degrees. Now its takes a masters degree or a PHD to separate you from the rest. As a country we preach the importance of education, but it seems that some institutions make it very hard for people to afford the opportunity without going thousands of dollars into debt. Can anything be done?? Well its 2011 and I am guessing by the time I have kids ant they are off to college tuition fees will be double what they are now.. At what point will the rise in tuition stop???
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